赵军,男,中国美术家协会河北分会会员。毕业于河北师范大学美术系油画专业,进修于中央美院,职业画家。油画多次参加全国省市画展,多幅作品被省市领导及国际友人收藏。 赵军作品,大气豪放,色彩强烈,具有超现实的表现力,并被美国、加拿大、英国、德国、韩国、日本、新加坡及港澳台地区友人收藏。 ZhaoJun, male, the member of HeBei Artists Association. Having graduated from Oil–painting Department, HeBei Normal University, I went to China Central Academy of Fine Arts for further study. Now, I am a professional painter. My oil-paintings have obtained many awards in the art shows of the city, province and country. Some of my paintings have been collected by some of foreign friends of mine and the leaders of the municipal and provincial departments. My paintings have distinguishing characteristics of strong colors, harmonious contrast and the brilliant style of surrealism. Up to now, a lot of my paintings have been sold to some countries and areas, such as America, Britain, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.